Crystal Holden: Graduate of Ripple!


Before joining Ripple of One I was on top of the world! I was so used to being the person that everyone depended on. I had a great job that paid very well. In 2013 that all changed for me in a way that I could not imagine. I had two premature babies which caused me to resign from a great paying job. I lived off of my savings for a while but that eventually ran out. I lost everything that I had worked so hard to attain. I then had to move back home with my parents. There was not enough room for all of my kids at my parent’s house, so that meant separating them. That was probably one of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to do.

Then, my friend Tiffany suggested that I apply at Ripple of One because they could help me. I joined Ripple and things started to slowly change for the better. I was surrounded by people who understood my struggle and did not judge me. The staff at Ripple are amazing! From the Executive Director, Stephanie, to the volunteers and other participants; they were all there to be a helping hand. The best part is that they did not look for recognition! They wanted to help mold me and push me toward my God given potential. I now had a big support system outside of my parents. Finding a job was still hard, so they decided to help me in that area. I started a paid internship through Ripple at a real estate company which helped me gain a plethora of skills to use in the future. When the internship ended, I started working at a nursing home as an office assistant. I’m still there now!

Before Ripple, I used to save my money but with the financial coach that I received through Ripple of One I gained extensive knowledge and understanding about saving and managing my money. My coach, Gary, was God sent! He helped me put things into perspective when it came to my finances. Ripple also provided the best mentor a girl could ask for. Robin became my second mom. She jumped right in. She was there for me every step of the way. If I ever needed anything she was my go to girl! Robin was and is a God sent as well. Not only is she my mentor, she is my family.


While learning to save and manage my money I was able to move into my own place and get my kids under one roof. I am continuing to stay on a budget and I still contribute to my savings. Budgeting was always important to me but now it is essential. My kids tell me that they see a difference in me now that I utilize the skills that I learned in Ripple of One. They said that I am more focused and determined. My kids let me know how proud they were that I stuck with it and never gave up. They learned so much while in the program as well. They learned the importance of saving for what they want and I am so appreciative of that! I am still pursing my bachelor’s degree In business administration and now that I have graduated Ripple, I know I will be successful in school. I want to show my children, as well as others, that it can and will be done. I would like to tell others that it isn’t easy but neither is life. You will feel overwhelmed and you will get aggravated but if you put in the work you will reap the rewards. Ripple can and will teach you life skills that will benefit you and your family so much! If you feel stuck, please take advantage and don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity to change your life.